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Covered Doggy Style in Frankfurt

Doggy style is praised all over the world. As we look deeper and search in its roots; we find that people used doggy style position in sex even in ancient times. So, what’s so unique with doggy style? Why do people love it so much? Do ladies and man love it equally? We have come up with interesting facts, tips and totally, this is an exciting read.

Traditional position Vs. new approaches

When we hear covered doggy style, what do you imagine first? Yes, we know your thoughts now. You probably imagine a traditional doggy style – woman on her knees and man from behind penetrating her. That’s an old fashioned way and lots of doggy style lover already thrown away traditional position. So, what’s a new style of it, you may ask.

There are new approaches, and today we will cover them all. We have outlined, five new doggy style position to make you feel comfortable with your partner.

Honeymoon position

That’s a popular position for ladies who like laying down on the bed. So, it’s easy to perform as a lady is always on the bed and laying down. She is facing bed with her face. So, you go from the backside and take her buttock up higher. As you get it higher, you put your penis into her and do your magic thing.

Frog position

Another revolutionary position. Both of you has to go down into the “frog position.” Whats’ that you may ask. Well, both girl and boy have to do a squat and be there as long as you can. That’s where the magic can happen. You start fucking her while being in comfortable squat position. Frog position is not asking your full body power to be used. Just choose a comfortable squat position for both of you and do your thing.

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Turtle position

So, Turtle position is pretty easy if you understand it correctly. Girl goes down and has to lay on the bed. She should be in a yoga position called “Sphinx.” As she entirely goes into that position, you have come from behind and do a turtle position. Squat on your knees and get closer to her ass. Try to your best as it may be a bit unconventional for you at first try.

Keep in mind that new approaches of covered doggy style should be performed if you feel comfortable with it.

Now let’s talk about insider secrets on how to make doggy style unforgettable for man.


  1. Scream or talk dirty.


As the covered doggy style requires man from the behind, he can’t see your face. So, you’ve to scream, moan or even talk dirty because he needs a voice for more motivation. As he gets motivational, he will be more active, and both of you will have great sex.


  1. Don’t make the covered doggy-style one-person show.


Don’t fully depend on your man. As we have mentioned above, you should moan and scream, but also you can make it sex act more sensual. How? Well, it’s easy. When he tried to grab your hair or face, try to keep up with his play. Show him that you are 101% into the act and both of you are satisfied. You can also kiss his hands as by this way he knows that you like his fucking style.

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