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Armani Escort Frankfurt

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OWO Experience in Frankfurt

What’s OWO? Well, the escort industry is full of escorts who offer oral without condoms. What does it mean? Yes, you have heard it right – real blow job feeling without any condom or protection. That’s another level of feeling; we would love to talk about it today.

What’s OWO exactly?

Oral WithOut protections may sound gross for somebody, but it’s feeling. You don’t have any protection and other things that can decrease the real sense. People started doing blow job centuries ago just because they wanted to have a real sense.

We have asked our escorts to give us the best thoughts and tips regarding OWO.

Cynthia’s honest opinion

Cynthia is a perfect young girl delivering OWO experience. For her, oral without protection means more freedom. As Cynthia told us, oral without a condom should be done slowly. “You should not swallow and suck dick fast. Do it slowly and gently. Without protection, you guarantee more freedom and real-life feeling to a man. That’s why you should be careful and sweet while sucking a dick”.

Cynthia says that most of her clients ask for a blow job without protection. That’s a real-life, and people want blow job that gives you goosebumps. That’s how to you should deal with your client’s sex happiness.

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Petra, Brunette young girls who know how to do perfect OWO

Blow job is perfection. Petra says that kneeling and making him feel like a king, that’s what life is all about. “Man always want to dominate girl. They want to tell escort something, and that should be done in a nutshell. That’s how men psychology works. When you go down to knees, try to make them feel better. Ask man “what should I do for you now?”, “do you want me to do bad for you?”. Try to be more passionate and make him moan a lot.

Nicole, Armani Escort in Frankfurt

She is a Canadian-born girl self-proclaimed as one of the best escort services provider in Frankfurt. Yes, the city is big, but she is worth every cent or penny. Nicole has black hair, and most of the man admires her. She recalls few clients that wanted OWO without asking before. So, the first tip for the man from Nicole is to ask her before ordering her for 1 hour or night. Nicole says that escorts need time for preparing for oral sex without a condom. They have to improve their skills because there could be some time when you’ve not done OWO in practice. So, you should always ask the escort lady before attempting to oral without protection.

After that Nicole went to straight facts and more tips, as Frankfurt escort recalls, touching the head of the penis with teeth makes a man moan more. What’s hidden secret? Nothing hidden as soft squeeze with teeth can make your man cum soon.

Nicole says that man always loves a warm-up before a blow job. They would love to get great BJ, but a pre-action is required. You’ve to play with his balls or try to kiss him passionately. Both ways do magic, so it’s up to you.

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