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What is Kama Sutra? Learn from Escorts Frankfurt

The “Kama Sutra” is an old Sanskrit manuscript that has become famous as an erotica manual. It goes well beyond that, in reality. Researchers look to the “Kama Sutra” for advice on how to navigate anything from dating and relationships to personal hygiene and social graces in the workplace and beyond. The best part is Escorts Frankfurt are experienced to offer kamasutra to Gentemens in Frankfurt

The Sanskrit word kama means “longing” or “desire,” frequently with a sexual connotation (and refers to the Hindu god of love, Kamadeva); and sutra means “brief verse or scripture.” This book was written in the third century by Vatsyayana Mallanaga. Another possible interpretation of the title is “A Treatise on Pleasure.”

The “Kama Sutra” is sometimes cited as the definitive link between sex and yoga because it, like Hatha yoga, makes use of asanas. Asanas and ideas from the “Kama Sutra” have been incorporated into several contemporary yoga practices including Kamasutra yoga and Sexy yoga.

Everyone can benefit from reading the Kama Sutra.

Even though most of the stances need a male participant to penetrate the female genitalia, same-sex couples shouldn’t be put off by this. Inspiring and adaptable for any couple looking to enhance their sensual and spiritual bond. According to Rankin, “it’s about entertaining your curiosity to try something new,” regardless of whether or not the experiment yielded the expected results.

Okay, so let’s begin.

The Tigress

Do you have faith in yourself, especially your ability to see behind you? Hey, you, take this. It has the air of supreme confidence and goddess like power that the reverse cowgirl stance does.

The male partner lays face down on the floor, while the female partner sits erect on top of him with her derriere towards her partner’s face. Then, with an arching motion of her back, she gently rocks her hips.


Have five minutes to kill but a houseful of wailing children has you quarantined? This playful and direct posture is a great way to incorporate old rituals into your contemporary sex life

The two sides face each other while standing. In this position, the man creates a tripod out of their bodies by placing his hand beneath his partner’s knee and lifting her leg till it sits on top of his chest. This makes for a quick, straightforward entry.

The Milk and Water Embrace

Do you have a thirst for excitement? For this particular scenario, a chair without arms is required (the more plush and soft, the better).

The man takes the seat first, and the Escort sits on top of him with her back to him. In this case, the level of intimacy is mutually beneficial, encouraging innovation and joint command as you search for a groove.

Position for Clasping

Total bodily contact, passionate kissing, and close eye-to-eye gazing are all made possible in this pose, making it ideal for long-distance or recently reunited couples. It’s essentially a more relaxed and sedentary version of the traditional missionary crouch with Frankfurt Callgirls.

To accomplish this, partners should lay flat on a comfortable surface with their legs spread wide and parallel. The depth of penetration can be controlled by how widely or narrowly the female partner opens her legs.

Heaven’s Queen

It is said that this one, which is named after the wife of Indra, will send its users soaring through the gates of pleasure.

The female partner achieves this position by lying on her back with her knees drawn up to her chest. By placing his thighs on the outside of her legs, the male partner can penetrate her and enhance the experience with his hands.


Think of a beautiful flower with its petals slowly opening. The man in the relationship kneels on the mattress or floor such that the woman’s hips are raised while her head rests on the floor or bed. Her thighs nestle snugly against his hips, drawing their lower bodies together.

Ballet Performer

If you’re not quite flexible enough to reach this stance, Rankin says not to let it discourage you. “Unless you regularly practice yoga, you’re not going to be able to execute many of these positions perfectly, but the key is to keep trying and enjoy the adventure,” she explains.

To try it out, the woman will stand on one foot in front of her male spouse. She then uses her free leg to prop up her body by wrapping it around his waist.

The Art of Bamboo Splicing

The woman does a partial weight shift to one hip as she spreads out across the bed for this one. Afterward, she lifts the same leg and places it on her male partner’s shoulder. He can regulate the speed and depth of entry as he pleases because her other leg is still spread out on the bed. What’s even better? Her sole responsibility is to take it easy and appreciate life as it is.

Lock and Key

You’re in a really intimate position, almost as if your bodies are “padlocked” together. It’s a great excuse to play with each other’s hair, nibble passionately, and lock lips.

The female Escort leans back somewhat while seated on a stable surface, like a dining room table or a dresser. The man pulls her toward him and leans in so that he can elevate her pelvis and hold it tightly. The woman will then clasp her hands behind his back and lock her legs around his torso or hips.Where else does the Kama Sutra discuss sexuality and relationships?

The Kama Sutra is surprisingly modern in its views on sexuality and romantic love. 

The ancient text goes so far as to instruct men to put their partner’s enjoyment ahead of their own by ensuring that she reaches her climax before they even consider their own orgasm. Sexuality in the Kama Sutra “was designed to teach a man how to make sure that the woman was fully pleasured,” according to Seema Anand, author of The Arts of Seduction and a sex expert. “They thought that if the wife was well pleased, the couple’s sexual relationship would last longer. It goes so far as to claim that a guy would be a more effective warrior and business owner if he knew how to properly please a lady.she laces her shoes and lets him take over penetration.

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